R.N. to B.S. - Alumni Success

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Great things are happening for our Nurses!

"Your positive impact in our region cannot be underestimated. 我的妻子是高地医院的一名社会工作者,从她的经历中我知道罗伯茨医院的护士很受尊敬. 感谢你代表母校为那些有需要的人服务和关心."

Please visit our alumni page for more ways to get involved!

如有任何令人振奋的消息,欢迎随时与美高梅mgm平台联络(Bausch_Deborah@videobride.net or 585-594-6073)

  • Pamela Nollie (née Ortiz) – Promoted to Director of Nursing at Cortland Park Nursing and Rehab.  Pam also started her MSN in Leadership and Administration at RWU.
  • Paula LaRocca – Promoted to Nursing Supervisor at UMMC Batavia.  
  • Susan Merkel -晋升为斯特朗医院创伤性脑损伤科的助理护士经理,该科将于今年晚些时候开业.  她也将于2023年9月10日开始她在物理医学和康复方面的新角色.  苏珊说,如果没有她的学士学位,这是不可能的.
  • Aisha Mills -现为纽约独立评核员项目(NYIAP)的质量保证培训专家.
  • Andrew Porter –is now the Director of Nursing at Elderwood of Buffalo.
  • Congratulations to Alumna, Shannon Mahar (Buffalo Group 119). 她最近被选为“年度优秀护士” Erie County Medical Center! 她将在2019年6月的宴会上获得荣誉,并有机会被授予纽约西部所有7个县的“工作人员护士”.
  • Congratulations to Alumna, Renee Sylvies (Group 31), for being chosen as a speaker at the New York State Emergency Nurses Association - Setting the Pace 2019 conference蕾妮是纽约州布法罗市VHA急诊科的临床护士教育家. 她是一名重症监护和急诊护士,拥有超过30年的经验. Renee目前在急诊科担任临床领导,并以该身份提供员工发展教育.
  • Wendy Allen-Thompson (Group 77), of Strong West Emergency Department (URMC), won WHEC Rochester Rocs "Best Boss" in October 2016.
  • Tammy Molins (80组)最近在斯特朗纪念医院获得了DAISY奖. 这是一项全国性的计划,奖励和庆祝护士们非凡的临床技能和富有同情心的护理,他们每天与那些患有“攻击免疫系统的疾病”的人及其家人一起工作. SMH recognizes one of their nurses every quarter.
  • Beth Akkoul & Dawn Korszeniewski (Group 55 - Weedsport) were both chosen by the V.A. 参加罗彻斯特大学的急救培训项目,所有费用由校方支付.
  • Congratulations to Melissa Alvarado (Group 61) on her new job as an R.N.-Case Manager for Monroe Plan in Geneva. Melissa把这个工作机会归功于美高梅mgm平台R.N. to B.S. Program.
  • Becki Bettinger (Group 44 - Weedsport) has joined the R.N. to B.S. 作为辅助教师教学小组的程序和行为:护理学士学位的哲学取向.
  • Beverly Beverly (58组- Unity)被聘为Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES的临床讲师.
  • TinaMarie Cieri (Group 62) earned a Top 50 Healthcare award from Buffalo First.
  • Christine Close (55组- Weedsport)被任命为中央广场医疗中心Oswego健康紧急护理中心的临床护士经理. This new facility will open on October 1st. 在克里斯汀14年的护理生涯中,她从一名专职护士变成了一名主管护士, 从病例管理经理到奥斯威戈医院的临床护理经理. From that position, 克里斯汀后来成为了一家拥有164个床位的医院的护理主管,现在她的新职位是临床护理经理.
  • Carol (Buske) Crowell (Group 55 - Weedsport) was married to Scott Crowell on August 4, 2012年,在她26年来最好的朋友家里(从中学开始). 这段婚姻让两个家庭走到了一起,创造了卡罗尔一直认为只存在于童话故事中的家庭. 这个新的“童话”家庭现在拥有包括卡罗尔在内的6口人, Scott, 卡罗尔的孩子(杰西卡25岁,特雷弗12岁)和斯科特的孩子(佩姬18岁,艾比15岁). 卡罗尔感到非常幸运,她的新婚丈夫支持她度过了R的最后一部分.N. to B.S. Program and continues to support her education and career.
  • Patti (Martinez) Cuyler (31组- RWC)声明,因为她毕业于美高梅mgm平台R.N. to B.S. 她继续获得健康管理老年学硕士学位,目前在佛罗里达州的Atria Evergreen Woods担任生活指导主任.
  • Mary Jo Flynn (Group 39 - Weedsport) has joined the R.N. to B.S. faculty. Mary Jo teaches Advanced Application fo the Nursing Process. She also teaches The Community: Promoting Wholeness.
  • Amber McGrath (Group 60) was named as one of the top 10 nurses in Rochester.
  • JoAnn Pellegrino (第20组-罗切斯特综合医院)加入了R.N. to B.S. Program as an Adjunct Professor. JoAnn is teaching Personal Values & 在不久的将来将教授高级护理过程应用.
  • More news to share regarding Cynthia Ross (Group 68). 辛西娅要和一个以前的病人一起为杂志拍摄照片. The theme is patient satisfaction.
  • Katie Schreiner (57组)现在是美高梅mgm平台MSL项目的一名学生.
  • Sue Spink (第57组)被刊登在2013年夏季版的纽约护士网络杂志上. Accounts were from nurses on why they love their jobs.
  • Congratulations to Andrea Woodworth (Group 54) on her promotion to Clinical Education Coordinator at St. James Mercy Hospital in Hornell, NY.

Related Majors

Health Administration, M.S. -卫生管理硕士课程是一门创新和现代的健康管理和商业课程,旨在为学生提供医疗和卫生服务管理所需的技能. 工作的专业人士可以在18个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
Nursing Education, M.S. 护理教育硕士课程以护理科学为基础,重点是提高大学工作所需的临床和循证教学技能, university, and clinical settings. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
Nursing Leadership & Administration, M.S. - The Master's in Nursing Leadership & 管理以护理科学为基础,重点关注医疗保健的商业方面, evidence-based practice, 以及最新的技术进步来发展你的领导能力和知识. 在职注册护士可以在20个月内完成这个学位,每周一个晚上或100%在线!
RN to M.S. in Nursing -如果你有非护理专业的学士学位, an associate degree in nursing, and are working as a R.N. (a minimum of 20 hours per week), 那么这个完全在线的注册护士到护理硕士课程就是为你设计的!
Adult and Graduate Admissions - 585.594.6600 | 800.777.4792 (toll free) - AGE-Admissions@videobride.net